Box 5, 740 46 Östervåla


Whistleblower policy

At Zetterbergs Industri, we strive to have an open and transparent workplace, where abuses should not occur. It is therefore important to us that there is clear information on how to report any irregularities confidentially and safely. This applies to employees as well as people outside the organization. Read more in our policy regarding our whistleblowing process.

If you want to blow the whistle on Zetterbergs, you are welcome to do so via the form further down the page.

If you want to blow the whistle

If you want to blow the whistle on Zetterbergs, do so in the form below. The matter is sent to our HR manager for investigation. You choose whether you want to be anonymous or not. Please note, however, that without contact details we cannot follow up on the case with you.

If you do not enter an e-mail, you will not receive any confirmation that your notification has reached us.

After submission, the process continues as per routine in our policy above.

Fill in the application

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